Sunday, 27 September 2015

The grass is always greener on the other side- right?

I thought I would start with a bit of context. I haven't read any of the books in this series, but I have seen the first film. My sister has read the first two books thusfar, and she informs me that this second film in the set does not resemble the book at all. Despite this, we both enjoyed the film.

The movie begins with a direct linkage to the previous film, and the more naive among viewers might believe that our heroes have finally found a safe haven, yet it is very clear that something is amiss, it is almost too obvious that they have been led into another trap.

The Cranks soon enter the scene and they are nothing short of a nightmare. Being the type of person that becomes immersed in books and films, I became quite frightened at this point, not the kind of frightened that causes you to cover your eyes and miss half the film, but the type which causes you to shake a little, and jump at small movements.

I was astonished, particularly then, that the film had been rated PG. This meant that there were a lot of young children watching the film, and the violence was increasingly heading towards the r-rated level. For me though, the intensity helped to make the film highly emotional, and resultantly a great film, just not a film that small children could watch without having nightmares.

So, the film follows the main characters into a desolated world, where they battle to survive the elements, the Cranks, and the WICKED officials. A few cherished friends are lost along the way, while new ones are made, and just when you feel they may actually have a chance, the worst twist of fate occurs.

This film has a differnt feel to the first, and yet follows on from it very well. The actors are also fantastic and highly believable. Because of this, you can forgive the fact that every second character repeatedly tells Thomas (the main character) to hurry up, or run, or generally to keep moving.

All in all, I recommend the film, but think of it as more of an M rated movie (at least), and if you haven't seen the first one, watch that first, beause the film will be quite confusing otherwise.

Four Quills out of Five.